FFS – Flexible furlough scheme update now available!
With the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme set to gradually wind down over the summer and autumn, the government has now provided more details relating to one of the key aspects of the revised furlough scheme – flexibility.
This guidance page was updated on 12 June to include details on how the scheme will change from 1 July.
From 1st July, employers will be able to agree on any working arrangements with previously furloughed employees and can bring them back for any amount of time and any shift pattern, while still being able to claim Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme for their normal hours not worked.
There will be no requirement for those going on furlough to have a minimum of 3 working weeks off at one time, which will enable employers to better manage workflow.
Having fewer people working at any one time could also make it easier to enact social distancing, with allowances for staggered start and finish times.
If you would like advice on how to transition your team back to work or if you are thinking of making redundancies, please get in touch for advice.
Download our flexible furlough scheme updated guidance PDF here